Wednesday, January 10, 2018

3.6V Lithium Ion Battery

3.6V Lithium ion battery is a special cylindrical battery made from a carefully obtained lithium ion. This lithium ion battery is manufactured by different companies, but the core element in each battery is same. Lithium ion batteries are used to power various different electrical types of equipment e.g. telephones, MP players, Video cameras, flashlights, etc. These batteries can also be used to charge a laptop computer and provide high performance and durability.

3.6V Lithium ion battery is available in almost all across the world and is used to power different everyday items. The battery is powered by a 4.20V output charger. The average capacity of the battery is 3000mah.

3.6 V Lithium ion battery is identical to the standard 3.6V non-rechargeable battery with the only difference is that this battery can be recharged. A charging adapter and cable come with the battery that charges the battery to use again.

The lithium ion battery is used in almost every industry ranging from industrial use in medical industry to security and consumer industry etc. The battery is designed from the highest quality material according to the international quality standards. Each quality standards are followed while manufacturing this battery.

3.6V Lithium ion battery comes with different capacities. The normal capacity is 3000mah; however, the capacity ranges from 600mah to 3400mah. The capacity changes with size and company but generally, the companies follow a standard of 3000mah. Some of the 3.6V lithium ion batteries are not rechargeable; however, some of the batteries are rechargeable.

The battery can be recharged using any standard battery charger; however, it is most suitable to charge the battery with the provided charger. The charger that comes with the battery is tailor-made to provide strength and efficiency to the battery. 3.6 Lithium ion battery is most effective, durable and long-lasting when it is charged by its own charger.

There is number of different applications of these batteries. These batteries can be used to run approximately every electric item that is powered by a 3.6 to 4V current. The number of usages includes powering up a remote control, video camera, audio recorders, camcorders, flashlight, laptop computers, telephones, toys etc. This battery can be used in every electrical instrument that is powered by a 3.6V current. This wide range of applications has made this battery one of the most used batteries.

The maximum discharge current of the battery is 15A. This battery cannot hold a greater of current then 15A. The dimensions of a 3.6V Lithium ion battery of 3000mah are 18mm x 65mm. The dimension is different from different batteries having different capacity.

In short, 3.6V Lithium ion battery is one of the most widely used batteries because of its smaller size and number of applications. The battery can be fitted anywhere and provides durability, efficiency, and great performance. If you want to buy a battery for your cameras, digital recorders, camcorders etc, this lithium ion battery can be the best choice. Buy this 3.6V lithium ion battery pack to power your accessories and personal electronic gadgets.   

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Tips on How to Grow Eyelashes Long

Don't you want to grow your eyelashes long, healthy and thicker? Of course, everyone wants. We have good news for you. Try the best eyelash growth serum today to enhance your beautiful eyelashes.

Eyelashes put your eye in a good look and make them look more beautiful. Today, fake lashes are pretty popular and most women don’t like them since they tend to not look natural and another problem is that you have to apply glue to your skin. This glue can be harmful and the fact that you have to put it so close to your eye and the skin surrounding the eye is super sensitive.

Below is a list of tips and home remedies that will make your lashes grow and look longer, for real:

Castor oil
Many people have recommended castor oil since it not only helps to grow eyelashes but also helps in growth of your hair as well as your eyebrows. In fact, castor oil is one of the amazing home remedies and tip you can use to make your eyelashes grow longer, thicker and stronger. To use castor oil, you just clean out all makeup and any other product from your eye and then apply Castor oil with a brush to your lashes and eyebrows when you go are going to sleep, and it will humidify and encourage growth naturally. Remember you only need a drop or two to cover the lashes for each eye. Apply the castor oil at least a few times a week.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E can be obtained from fruits and vegetables. This is also another way you can make your eyelashes to grow longer. Maybe you already know that Vitamin E is good for treating a damaged skin but also it can help your lashes to grow thicker.

Natural Oils
Using natural oils can help to grow longer eyelashes. To achieve this, you just need to moisturize your lashes with, olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil since all these are natural oils. What you do is to soak some oil on a cotton ball and wipe gently over your lashes before you sleep. Wash off when you wake up and the natural oil will promote, moisturize, enhance the growth and leave your lashes strong and healthy.

Eyelid massage
This is also another tip that can make your eyelashes grow longer and stronger. However, this needs to be done in a gentle manner so as to enhance blood circulation thus stimulating the hair follicles and improve growth of lashes. If you do this on a regular basis, you will see a real difference in your lashes quickly. But you should be careful not to be too rough though when you massage, or you will do more damage, than good.

Eat well
Eating well means eating balanced and a healthy diet. This is another crucial tip on how to grow longer, healthier and thicker eyelashes. Your hair needs a good supply of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to grow and so is your lashes, therefore, ensure you eat plenty of fresh fruits and green vegetables and remember to include lean protein in your diet together with whole grains as it will help to nourish your lashes and enhance their growth.